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Illness and reintegration

We understand that illness and reintegration can be complex challenges. Often, employers and employees do not know exactly what the rights and obligations are during long-term illness. Do you have questions about illness, obligations under the Gatekeeper's Act or preventing salary sanctions? Our team is ready to advise and support you in such a situation, paying attention to your specific needs.

Personal & committed

We have personalised attention to your unique situation.

For both employer and employee

Employment legal advice for both employer and employee.

Practical solutions in plain language

No woolly advice, but concrete solutions.

Advice from experienced labour lawyers

So you can be sure you will be provided with expert advice.

Rights and obligations in the event of long-term illness

You are ill and that is very annoying. Does this mean you can’t work or only work part-time? The consequences for your income and reintegration depend on your situation. All previously discussed rights and obligations are laid down in the Gatekeeper Improvement Act. This law was established to reduce the number of long-term sick employees by intervening quickly and efficiently. All rights and obligations that employee and employer have in the event of illness are laid down in it. This includes matters such as drawing up an Action Plan (PoA) and keeping a reintegration file.

As an employer, you have a number of obligations when an employee is sick for a long time. You must make an effort to reintegrate the employee into your company. You do this, for example, by agreeing with the employee that he or she will work fewer hours or have a different set of tasks. You must also continue to pay at least 70% of the salary during the first two years. You may not dismiss an employee based on illness during the first two years. However, you may dismiss the employee for another reason

Reintegration obligations employer in case of illness

Obligations of employees in case of illness

As an employee, you are entitled to at least 70% of your salary during the first two years of illness. An employer must therefore continue to pay you, even if you are not at work. Also, your employer may not dismiss you during the first two years of illness, unless there is another reason than the disease. Furthermore, you are obliged to make an effort to reintegrate.

illness and reintegration - legal advice
Arbeidsjurist Eindhoven

Conflict during illness

Both employee and employer can request an expert opinion from the UWV when conflicts arise during the reintegration. It may happen that an employer believes that the employee is not making enough effort to reintegrate during illness. When the UWV agrees, an employer may impose sanctions, such as stopping the salary. It may also happen that an employee believes that the employer is not doing enough to reintegrate. Also then an expert opinion can be requested. If the UWV judges that the employee is right, the employer receives a wage penalty. This means that the time in which the wages must continue to be paid, will be extended. This is often a year or even longer.

“Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Frequently asked questions on illness and reintegration

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions on illness and reintegration here.

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Reviews from satisfied clients

Bart LBart L
07:44 06 Sep 23
Goed en gedegen advies. Heldere communicatie, het is erg prettig werken met Roy van der Wiel. Als je met een arbeidsconflict/ vraag zit zou ik zeker Roy van der Wiel/ Arbeidsjurist Eindhoven aanraden.
maud merellemaud merelle
10:32 05 Aug 23
Ik ben enorm goed geholpen door Roy van der Wiel. Alle complimenten naar hem voor de snelle afhandeling, zijn professionaliteit en communicatie. Ik heb alles positief ervaren, waardoor ik hem zeker bij anderen zal aanraden.
ton van woenselton van woensel
15:44 31 May 23
All compliments to this law firm and especially Mr van der Wiel. Very good advice in easy language. Also very well thought through to the best solution and very smooth communication. A pleasure to work with.
Mag BurMag Bur
12:40 15 May 23
professionele hulp, aan te bevelen.
Saskia Van TartwijkSaskia Van Tartwijk
17:50 30 Nov 22
Highly recommended! Expert, personal and quick advice! Thank you for your great help Roy.
Amber BastiaansenAmber Bastiaansen
16:08 03 Nov 22
I received very good advice from Roy. Conversation was pleasant and it is nice to be able to rely on his professional legal help. Should I need a lawyer in the future I know where to go. Will also definitely recommend this to those around me.
Joey De GraafJoey De Graaf
18:55 22 Mar 21
They helped me tremendously in a very difficult situation. I'm glad I engaged them. Work fast, professional, but also very personal, which is nice. Had contact with Roy.Highly recommended!
16:38 20 Nov 20
Contacted Roy who acted quickly after my email. Gave good advice which I could immediately put into practice. Very nice when you find yourself in a complex situation with your work.
Roy van der Wiel - Employment lawyer in Eindhoven

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